My minds made up.... not going to change or even intend to look back at my decision... been let down time and time again by the people i trust... enough is enough la.... it has not been a one time event that has lead to my decision but its been many occasions. i feel trapped ... i'm not enjoying as much as i used to... i used to love it but now... its just gone ... i tired to find back... for moments i did but u all just let me down again... but u know at least i can thank GOD knowing i have such a great IC enyun... she's always very updated about me.... she's not like the others.... she's a person i can pour my hearts out to... WHO ELSE CAN I GO TO??.. YOU"RE ALL SO FAKE... i cant keep going just to keep u happy ... sometimes i hate it.... you're forcing it... HOW I FEEL IS NOT HOW U THINK I M ok....
well just know when i leave... i will just wash my hands off everything... one day i disappear... you know i m not coming back anymore.... yea u can call me but i wont pick up... visit me and i'll close my door... we'll just be friends but i wont come back... never will i open my heart to u all again.... disappointment... u can just talk behind my back for all u guys want... LIKE WHT U ALL ALWAYS DO... its tooo late for a change now....
yes i still love him.... but my hearts too cold for u all.... never again... well i m leaving with her... i guess it was a mistake to bring her huh.... there's not happy ending.... sick and tired of being invincible... in the whole process i found out the hard way who is with me through thick or thin.. don bother to ask yourself wht u all done... i wont explain... i will only pick up certain calls... other than that u know I DESPICE U....
for a minute just look around and think why are we leaving.... is numbers so important.... 2 weeks i'll be gone trust me... i don know where i'll will be going yet... surely not going back... let down to the point that i cant keep forgiving... i cant just stand aside knowing i dont like wht u are doing.... (only a few people know wht i m talking about, if u know pls keep it to yourself, i trust you.)we'll still be able to hang out...