hello ppl...i jus came home not long ago...haha i went out again ...haha this morning was suppose to go chruch but in the end could not go cos of things...haha but i woke up at 10 in the end haha lazy to go back sleep haha ...
dan i got ready to go out to celebrate my grand parents birthday at marina mandrine hotel(i m thinking the words is wrong)but haha so i got dressed dan my mom pang sei me and my sis haha so we meet her there at the hotel haha but the food was really nice cos i got to eat the things i wanted haha....it thought the food pricing was jus nice lar cos the place was really beautiful haha and its super near marina square...
Bah...bah....bah dan afetr eating i ps my mom to go shopping wif stella jie haha first we wen to marina aquare haha i went to skin ....wah i like true religion jean lar....really very nice i want but the choices were very little and they did not have my size cos i m only 27 haha .... dan after stella jie drove us to orchard to get her powder thingy...haha intresting lar dan afetr walking jie was thirsty so we went to coffee club to drink haha i ordered a chco venilla latte haha nice dan my other jie's the order squid ring and a chco fondo haha nice lar later left my other jie's ps us to go clubbing
haha dan later we wen to my aunty's house to relax haha nice lar haha....
guess thata all bah...
i think this pic is nice haha
here is my OBS PiCs
nice hor....
thats all ppl ths for watching my show... lennard 0 comments