7:20 PM

hi ppl
i m blogging again.....
anyway its confirmed..........i have......
kneecap problems which means i now cannot run anymore, carry heavy bag etc....
i found out abt it wen i finished my new balance real run i guess its cos of the extreme Terrain ...its a really big blow to me lar cos i jus love running ....but now wen i walk its very painful so yes pls pray for me
anyway i have a very busy schedue for this month la got to plan and do lots of stuff lar so yes if u wana hang out wif me pls tell me before hand so i can check my schedue k thx ppl haha but i will try to make my self available lar haha so call me k
anyway i m really blessed lar mummy jus came home wif 20 pack of choco mints haha super super ultra nice i like can haha omg why m i following sarah oh no ...arg nvm...haha my kettle is now spoilt haha loser haha.....
haha so this week is building fund liao haha super happy to gif lar haha its not abt the giving its about how much u love GOD haha i m a cheerful giver haha arighty
i guess i m done ...haha tag me k
cheers ppl