11:10 PM

jus came back from reunion dinner...(mom's side)
like dam tired lol....sleepy..
i need to return to my solititude...time alone...
i wana spend time wif GOD alone....
jus him and me alone .....
maybe i m jus to strict with my members & friends....
i really need to let go of so many unsettled things in my life....
so many ppl asked me why i m emo??
like no answer lehhhh
guessed i invested my laughter in someone...
i m longing jus to see your power....
anyway here are some pic i took at sakae sushi....i eat it two times in month
if i m not wrong it should be wed
enjoy the pic...cheers

in an failed attempt to act cute..*_-

even worst...

i'm so innocent

dam gay